Ralfonso Gschwend (1959), who shares his time between his native Switzerland and Florida, employs air currents, light and water in his impressive kinetic sculpture. "Dance with the Wind" is the nine foot tall working prototype he created for the 30-foot sculpture version that was commissioned for this summer's 2008 Olympic Park in Beijing, China. A striking illustration of compound pendulums, this dynamic work is composed of stacked spheres in decreasing diameter, each swaying within a dimensional perimeter that pivots independently, suggesting an oversized and unhinged shimmering necklace. Reminiscent of the exquisitely polished experiential public sculpture of Anish Kapoor, this sculpture uses the reflection of its environment to pull the viewer in, while the rhythmic oscillations conjure chaos. Ralfonso was invited and selected as one of twenty international artists to create a sculpture for Olympic Park. The small version (9') working-prototype was installed in Geneva, Switzerland in April, 2008
A short movie of how sculpture moves in the wind:
Learn more about Ralfonso's kinetic sculptures:
Learn more about Ralfonso's kinetic sculptures:
~ Select among 15 movies at:
~ See a comprehensive overview about Ralfonso on Wikipedia at:
~ Ralfonso is also President of the international Kinetic Art Organization (KAO)
~ Check-out Ralfonso's website to view many more of his creations at:
(Information taken from http://www.asci.org/artikel988.html)
Laura Cipollina- IBIOCAT, Divisione Marketing e Commerciale
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