venerdì 26 settembre 2008

IBIOCAT Humor- A musical parody for you: "I Did It Their Way" by Bob Blue

"I Did It Their Way"
Words by Bob Blue
(To be sung to the tune of "My Way")
I came with all my books, lived in dorms, followed directions. 
I worked, I studied hard, met lots of folks who had connections. 
I crammed, they gave me grades, and may I say not in a fair way. 
But more, much more than this, I did it their way. 
I learned all sorts of things although I know I'll never use them. 
The courses that I took were all required, I didn't choose them. 
You'll find that to survive it's best to act the doctrinaire way. 
And so I buckled down and did it their way. 



Yes, there were times I wondered why

I had to crawl when I could fly.

I had my doubts, but after all,

I clipped my wings, and learned to crawl.

I had to bend, and in the end

I did it their way.



And so, my fine young friends, now that I'm a full professor

Where once I was oppressed, now I've become the cruel oppressor.

With me you'll learn to cope, you'll learn to climb life's golden stairway.



What can I do?  What can I do?

Open your books.  Read chapter two.

And if it seems a bit routine,

Don't come to me, go see the dean.

As long as they give me my pay

I'll do it their way.




Bob Blue




Frank Sinatra sings "My Way" :




Laura Cipollina – IBIOCAT, Divisione Marketing e Commerciale

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