Welcome, dear Kids, to enchanting, educational Kingdom of Animalia!
Animalia is a beautiful animated series that joins 11-year olds Zoe and Alex on a thrilling adventure, as they are swept from their local library into Animalia - a unique world of talking animals!
All is not right in the once peaceful kingdom as their arrival coincides with unusual events undermining the very heart of Animalia - the Core.
Zoe and Alex, together with their new friends, use their wits and imagination to help solve the mysteries and bring harmony back to the land.
Based on the internationally acclaimed best-selling children's book by Graeme Base.
All is not right in the once peaceful kingdom as their arrival coincides with unusual events undermining the very heart of Animalia - the Core.
Zoe and Alex, together with their new friends, use their wits and imagination to help solve the mysteries and bring harmony back to the land.
Based on the internationally acclaimed best-selling children's book by Graeme Base.
Double click here...
...and have fun!!
Laura Cipollina- IBIOCAT, Divisione Marketing e Commerciale
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