Since he is both an artist and a scientist he is in an unique position to facilitate the interfacing of art and science. He is committed to bridging the perceived gap between art and science. He is also currently a member of the ArtsHealth Research and Practice Centre at the University of Newcastle.
The principal theme of his art practice is the fusing of art and science, and the bridging of the "two cultures". By virtue of his experience in science and in medical research, he is uniquely placed to initiate and consolidate such syncretism.
In practice, he uses the printouts from a variety of imaging devices used in biology and medicine, such as DNA scans, and combines these with personal fragments such as photographs and documents.These juxtapositions produce new forms of biography and autobiography, and allow new expressions of singularity and selfhood. They also provide new forms by which to visualise and decode contemporary biology and medicine.
In his recent works he fuses fragments of photographs of personal lives with various imaging systems of contemporary biology and medicine. This fusion produces new perspectives of persona and self, and generates new forms of expression of biography and autobiography. It also provides new perspectives by which to visualise and interpret aspects of modern biology and medical science.
ART + SCIENCE bridges the perceived gap between art and science/medicine by interfacing elements of the visual arts with elements of current biological research methods in molecular biology and medicine.The works incorporate strands of contemporary genetic research with fragments related to individuals or to historical figures in the fields of biology and medicine.
The fusion of fragments of personal photographs or documentation or constructs of historical items with the output of imaging systems of modern biology and medicine generates new perspectives of biography and of contemporary biological and medical science.
Life is...
The mechanistic Cartesian view is that life is a complex algorithm of definable chemical reactions and physicochemical events.The alternative view is that life is much more than an intricate clockwork mechanism. It is also the psyche, and the id and the ego and the super ego, and the spirit.Philosophy may debate the nature of life, but inevitably and inexorably life's experiences are etched and smudged and overlaid on the psyche and on the body. The body is the palimpsest of life (Philip Schofield).
Learn more about Dr. Philip Schofield’s art by visiting his official Website: http://www.philipschofield.net/
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